Tuesday, August 15, 2006
When POP music and POP culture collide
The most awesome jingle of all time has been created. The song and video/commercial were both produced by Cyndi Lauper! The video should be hitting the web and TV very soon. Until then, 60 second radio spots have been being played in large cities across the USA... and more coming soon.

Also contributing to the jingle were Tiffany, Darryl "D.M.C." McDaniels, Downtown Julie Brown, Corey Feldman, and who can forget Miss Garrett from Facts of Life!? Yes! Shes there too!

Its a jingle for the TOTALLY 80s version of TRIVIAL PURSUIT! My birthday *IS* next week... I'll take one of these please!!! Just take a look at the game pieces! Amazing! Even better than the 90s TIME CAPSULE edition!
More game info here.....

Check out the jingle! Its the best thing being played on US radio at the moment!

Cyndi Lauper and Friends - "Trivial Pursuit Theme"